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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社纽约健康消息 最近的研究结果表明,酒渣鼻患者不仅出现面部疖肿及丘疹,而且面部皮肤的温度也要比正常人要高。



, 百拇医药
    研究合作者、来自明尼阿波利斯的明尼苏达医学院的帕特里克· M ·斯克赫利弗特博士补充说:存储在华氏98.6度的细菌还释放数种未曾命名的蛋白质。他和同事认为,在较高皮肤温度下发生的这类的异常变化可以导致酒渣鼻的面部肿块和丘疹。研究结果在近期在华盛顿举行的皮肤病研究会会议上宣读。


    Skin Disorder Rosacea Linked to Facial Warmth
, http://www.100md.com
    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - In addition to facial bumps and pimples, individuals who suffer with rosacea may also have higher facial temperatures than those without the skin disorder, researchers report. And recent study findings suggest that the two phenomena may be linked.

    Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects an estimated 14 million Americans, according to the National Rosacea Society. It is characterized by redness over the nose and cheeks, especially during and after periods of physical exertion, as well as symptoms including a swollen nose, and telangiectasia--small, dilated blood vessels in the skin.
, http://www.100md.com
    ``Researchers have long wondered whether bacteria may be responsible for the inflammation, bumps and pimples of rosacea, especially because they can be successfully treated with oral and topical antibiotics,‘‘ Dr. Mark Dahl, of the Mayo Clinic, in Scottsdale, Arizona, said in a statement.

    ``Our findings suggest that temperature may change the toxicity of many types of common bacteria, opening a whole new avenue of research into this widespread but poorly understood disorder,‘‘ he added.
, 百拇医药
    The study findings were presented during the recent meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, in Washington.

    Dahl and his colleagues experimented with bacteria obtained from the pimples of individuals with untreated rosacea. Bacteria from individuals without rosacea were used for comparison. All of the bacteria were stored at both 86 degrees and 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Findings show that the bacteria exhibited identical growth rates in the two temperatures. However, all of the bacteria from the rosacea patients released the enzyme lipase, and more lipase was secreted at 98.6 degrees than at 86 degrees. In contrast, only half of the bacteria samples from individuals without rosacea secreted lipase.
, 百拇医药
    Lipase production usually occurred as the bacteria were being depleted of nutrients, which may explain the dryness associated with rosacea, the researchers note.

    In addition, the bacteria stored at 98.6 degrees also released several unidentified proteins, study co-author Dr. Patrick M. Schlievert, of the University of Minnesota Medical School, in Minneapolis, told Reuters Health. Such abnormal activities occurring at the higher temperature may trigger the facial bumps and pimples associated with rosacea, he and his colleagues suggest.
, http://www.100md.com
    However, the temperature of rosacea skin is not necessarily warmer than that of normal skin, according to Dr. David Voron, of the University of Southern California School of Medicine. ``I am not aware of any published studies proving that,‘‘ he told Reuters Health in an interview. Voron is not connected with Dahl‘s research.

    He noted that 98.6 degrees is ``normal body temperature...and there‘s not a 7-degree difference between normal skin and rosacea skin.‘‘

    Voron did acknowledge, however, that it would be logical for rosacea skin to be warmer than normal skin--just as red, sunburned skin is warmer than normal skin.

    But, he added, ``we don‘t know the extent of the difference and whether that difference would change the activity of the bacteria.‘‘, 百拇医药